COVID-19 Plain language glossary: English - Swazi

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Anaphylaxis / Anaphylactic shock Allergic reaction A very extreme allergic reaction that can cause a shock to the body, and symptoms can include skin rash, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing and shock. Imicimbi lemibi . Tinkinga temtimba letingenteka emuvakwemjovo wekugonya . Tehlakalo letingekho kahle letingabangwa ngulomjovo wekugonya. noma kungaba kucondzana lokumsulwa
Adverse events Adverse events Any health problem that happens after a shot or other vaccine. An adverse event might be truly caused by a vaccine, or it might be pure coincidence. Tintfo letingavani nemtimba .Tintfo letingatfusa umtimba tibange nekuqubeka kwesikhumba,inkhaphunkaphu, kuhlanta, kube matima nekuphefumula, nekwetfuka
Antibodies Antibodies Antibodies are proteins that our bodies make to fight a specific illness that attacks our bodies. They are specialised soldiers that the body uses to fight every illness differently. When a new virus like COVID-19 comes attacks us it take the body a few days to create the soldier antibodies that can attack it. Emasotsha Emtimba . Emasotja emtimba ngema prothein lawakhiwa ngumtimba kuvikela tifo letihlasela umtimba.Ngemasotja latfutfukile lasetshentiswa ngumtimba kulwa netifo letahlukahlukene. Makunesifo lesisha lesifana ne COVID-19 lesihlaselako, kutsatsa umtimba emalangana kwakha lamasotja latfutfukile kuze akhone kuwuhlasela lomkhuhlane
Asymptomatic infection Asymptomatic An infection without symptoms; no signs of illness. I-Asymptomatic .Kuphatseka kungabonakali timpawu tekugula, Kute timpawu tekugula
Bacteria Bacteria Bacteria, also called germs to small to see with the naked eye. Some bacteria are good for you, while others can make you sick. Emagciwane Emagciwane, labitwa ngemagciwane lamancane langabonakali ngemehlo enyama. Lamanye emabhakteriya awulungele umtimba kepha lamanye angakugulisa
Booster dose Booster dose An additional dose of a vaccine needed periodically to 'boost' the immune system. Umtsamo wekulekelela . Umtsamo longetekile wemugonyo ungadzingeka ngaskhatsini kuvuselela emasotsha emtimba
Breaking News Breaking news New and important information. Tindzaba letinsha . Imininingwane lemisha futsi lebalulekile
Chest Pain Chest pain When you feel pain in your chest or heart area. Buhlungu besifuba . Lapho khona uva buhlungu esifubeni noma endzaweni yenhlitiyo
Clinical trial Clinical trial A clinical trial tests the effectiveness and safety of medications, vaccines or medical devices by monitoring their effects on large groups of people. Clinical trials have many steps, and only the last few involve testing medicines on human beings. Clinical trial results are checked by independent experts. Sivivinyo semtfolampilo .Sivivinyo semtfolampilo sihlola kusebenta nekuphepha kwemitsi nemigomo nemathulusi wekulapha ngekuqaphela timphumelelo tawo emacembini lamakhulu webantfu. Kuhlolwa kwemitfolamphilo kunetinyatselo letiningi nguletekugcina tinyatselo letivumela lemitsi kutsi ihlolwe ebantfwini. Timphumelelo tekuhlola lemitfolampilo yentiwa tati letitimele
Communicable Communicable a disease that spreads from one person or animal to another. Some bacteria and viruses can cause communicable diseases. Other diseases – that do not spread from person to person, like diabetes or hypertension – are called ‘non-communicable’. Letitsatselwanako .Tifo letisuka/letitselelwana ebantfwini noma etilwaneni.Lamanye emabhakteriya nemagciwane angakha tifo letitselelanako. Letinye tifo - atitselelani kusuka emuntfwini kuya kulomunye tifana nesifo sashukela noma kufutsa kwenghati lokusetulu - kubitwa ngokutsi atitselelani
Comorbidity Pre-existing disease Pre-existing diseases are conditions that a person has before getting another disease . In the context of COVID-19 it refers to existing chronic diseases – like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or hypertension, to name a few – that could put people at a higher risk of developing complications if they are infected with the Corona virus. Tifo letivele tikhona .Tifo letivele setikhona emtimbeni angakatfoli lesinye sifo. Mayelana ne sifo se COVID-19 kukhulunywa ngetifo letingasalapheki- tifana njenge sifo senhlitiyo, nesifo sashukela noma kufutsa kwenghati lokusetulu kubala letimbalwa - letingabeka bantfu engotini lenkhulu lengabanga tinkinga letinengi uma umuntfu angabanjwa sifo se Corona
Congregate settings Gatherings When many people come together at the same place and at the same time. E.g.: parties, marches, schools, prisons, churches etc. Imibutseko Lapho lekuhlangana khona bantfu labaningi ngesikhatsi sinye Eg : emaphathini, etitelegheni, etikolweni, emajele, nasemasontfweni njalo njalo
Conspiracy Theory Fake news story Fake news stories are created to combined some facts and incorrect information to create a story that will convince people that what is told to them by people in authority like governments, healthcare workers and scientists is not true and will hurt them. Tindzaba tomghunyatsi . Tindzaba temghunyatsi tentelwe kuhlanganisa emaqiniso latsile kanye netindzaba letinemanga ekhatsi kwentelwe kutsi bantfu bangakholwa tindzaba letiphuma ebantfwini labasegunyeni njengahhulumeni, bantfu basemtfolampilo nabososayensi bati kutsi abanalo liciniso futsi batimisele ngekubalimata.
Contract Become infected To catch or develop a disease – you can become infected Covid-19, for example, by breathing in the droplets of someone who is infected with the virus. Kutseleleka . Kubamba noma kutfutfukisa sifo- ungangenwa yi COVID-19 ngesibonelo, ngekuphefumula ematfonsi wemuntfu lonalo leligciwane
Contra-indications Medicines clash When a medicine, or medical process should not be used because it may be harmful to that person because of pre-existing conditions or other medicine they are using. Kushayisana Kwemitsi . Lapho umutsi noma tinyatselo tekutilapha kungamele tisetshentiswe ngobe tingalimata loyomuntfu tibangwa tifo letivele tikhona noma leminye imitsi lawusebentisako
Control group Control group In any medical experiment or trial, scientists compare what happens when you give an active medicine like a vaccine to one group to what would happen to a group if no active medicine or vaccine was given was given to them. The group that did not receive the active medicine are called the ‘control group’. Licembu Lokulawula . Noma ngkuphi lakuhlolwa khona kwekulapha noma tivivinyo bososayensi bakala kutsi kwentekani mawunganika imigonyo lesebentako elicembini linye bese bahlola kulelinye licembu lelinganikwanga lemigonyo. Lelicembu lelinganikwanga lomgonyo libitwa ngekutsi licembu lelilawulako
Coping Coping Being able to get through a difficult experience. Kumelana . Kukhona kutimela mawundlule etintfweni letintima
Data Information Facts, evidence and statistics Imininingwane .Emaqiniso, bufakazi netibalo
Depopulation Depopulation A process of intentionally trying to kills entire populations and communities to have less people in the world. There is a lot of fake news that tries to convince people that COVID-19 or vaccines are meant to kill people. Kunciphiswa kwebantfu . Inqhubo yokutama kubulala inqwaba yebantfu nemiphakatsi kuze kube nebantfu labancane emhlabeni. Tiningi tindzaba letinemanga letizama kukhohliswa bantfu letitsi iCOVID-19 nemigonyo yentelwe kubulala bantfu
Depression Depression A mental health problem where a person feels very sad, tired, unable to cope and have no energy for long periods of time. Kucindzeleketa . Sifo sengcondvo lapho umuntfu ativa aphansi, adziniwe angakwati nekumelana netinkinga takhe abebete nemudlandla sikhatsi lesidze
Diabetic Diabetic A person with high or low insulin levels. Sifo sashukela . Ngumuntfu lonemazinga lasetulu noma lamancane we insulin
Diagnosis / Diagnose Diagnosis/ Diagnose To recognise a disease by its signs and symptoms is to diagnose a disease. If you test positive for Covid-19, you have a positive diagnosis for the virus. Kuhlola/Kuhlolwa . Kuqaphela tifo ngekubona timpawu tato. Mawuhlola kutsi unayo I COVID-19, unekutfola kutsi unalo leligciwane
DNA DNA The small chemical that determines how a cell will look and what it will do. i-DNA . Likhemikali lelincane lelinquma kutsi liseli litawubonakala njani nekutsi litowentani
Dose Dose The amount of a medicine that you are allowed to take at one time Umtsamo . Linani lomutsi lovunyelwe kulitsatsa ngesikhatsi sinye
Drug resistance Vaccine resistant When a virus changes it becomes hard for the vaccines or medicines that are created to fight it to find it in our bodies. The vaccine will not work if the virus has changed too much. Vaccine resistant . Lapho ligciwane lishintsha khona kubamatima kutsi imitsi nemigonyo leyentele kulwa nalo kutsi lisebente. Lemigonyo angeke isebente mangabe leligciwane selishintshe kakhulu
Dry Cough Dry Cough A cough that feels like it is coming more from irritation in your throat. Kukwehlela lokwomile . Kukhwehlela lokuvakala ngatsi kubangwa kucasuka emphinjweni
Effective Works We say a vaccine "works” when it helps the body fight against a virus or bacteria. Kuyasebenta . Sitsi imitsi yekugonya iyasebenta lapho isita umtimba ilwe neligciwane noma emagciwane lamaningi
Efficacy Efficacy This tells us how well a vaccine works. The “efficacy” of a vaccine is its ability to prevent illness and create immunity against a virus or bacteria. Kusebenta .Loku kusitshela kutsi imigonyo isebenta kahle. Loku"Sebenta" kwemigonyo kukhona kwawo kuvikela kugula nekwakha kutivikela ekulweni ligciwane noma emagciwane
Evidence Proven facts Facts or information which tell you whether an idea or belief is true. Emaqiniso lafakazelwe . Emaqiniso noma imininingwane lekutshela kutsi umbono noma sibonelo siliqiniso na
Experiment Experiment An operation or procedure carried out by scientists under controlled conditions in order to discover or investigate something unknown; to test or establish a hypothesis. Kucilonga .Kuhlinzwa noma inqhubo leyentiwa bososayensi ngaphansi kwetimo letilawulwayo kuze kutfolakale noma kuphenywe lokutsile lokungatiwa. kuhlola noma kusungula i hypothesis
Exposed/exposure Exposed When you have been in contact with a person that has a virus like COVID-19. Kuvetiwe . La uhlangene khona nemuntfu lophetfwe sifo se COVID-19
Flattening the curve Flattening the curve Slowing down the spread of COVID-19 so that there are not too many people sick at the same time and hospitals are not too busy to help everyone. Kunciphisa kugula . Kubambetela kusakateka kweligciwane le COVID-19 kuze kungabi nebantfu labaningi labagulako ngesikhatsi sinye netibhedlela tingabi matasa kutsi tikhone kulekelela wonkhe muntfu
headache Headache Pain in your head Buhlung benhloko . Buhlungu enhloko yakho
High fever High fever When your temperature is above 37 degrees, usually leads to sweating. Umkhuhlane lomkhulu . Lapho khona kushisa kwemtimba kundlula ku 37 degrees, imvamisa kungukutsi ujuluke
Hotline Hotline A phone services that provides specific information. Lucingo . Tisitakalo taselucingweni letikunika imininingwane letsite
hypertension Hypertension High blood pressure. I-hypertension . Umfutfo wenghati losetulu
hypotension Hypotension Low blood pressure. I-hypotension . Umfutfo wenghati lephansi
Immune response Immune response The way you body fights against bacteria, viruses, and substances that appear foreign and harmful. Imphendvulo yemtimba . Yindlela umtimba wakho alwisa emagciwane netinshwana letingabonakali ngakhona
Immune system Immune system All the parts of your body that fights against virus and germ. The immune system keeps a record of every germ/bacteria/virus it has ever defeated so it can recognise and destroy it quickly if it enters the body again. We say the immune system has a memory. Emasotsha Emtimba . Tonkhe tindzawo temtimba wakho letilwa nemagciwane. Emasotja emtimba wakho agcina emarhekodhi awo wonkhe lamagciwane lahlangabetana nawo kuze akhone kutfumela emasotsha emtimba ngekushesha mangabe aphindze angena emtimbeni. Emasotsha emtimba ayawakhumbula
Immunisation Immunisation Is the process where a person's body is given a vaccine that helps it fight a new virus like COVID-19. Kugonya . Yinqhubo lapho khona kuniketwa umuntfu umutsi wekugonya losita umtimba ulwe ne sifo lesisha lesifana ne COVID-19
Immunity Immunity When your immune system has a memory of a virus and sends the correct antibodies to fight the virus. This memory can be created by a vaccine. Kungavikeleki . Ngulapho emasotsha emtimba wakho akhumbula emagciwane atfumele emasotsha lalungile kutsi alwe naleligciwane. Lenkhumbulo ingakhiwa ngemutsi wekugonya
Immuno- compromised Immuno-compromised Having a weak ability for your body to fight a disease because of pre-exiting diseases. Kungenelelwa kwe Immune . Kuba nelikhono lelilibutsakatsaka emtimbeni wakho kutsi ulwe nemagciwane labangwe kugula ngaphambilini
Incubate Incubate Before you get symptoms of a particular illness, the bacteria or virus that causes disease is spreading slowly in your body to make you feel sick. Kuhlanganisa . Ngaphambi kwekutsi utfole timpawu tesifo lesitsite, lamagciwane asuke asakateka emtimbeni wakho kancane, ngiwo lalawenta kutsi utive ugula
Infectious Infectious Contagious/catchy – capable of making an infection. Kuyatselelana . Kuyatselelana/Kuyabambeka - kuyakhona kugulisana
Inoculation Inoculation Another word for vaccination or immunisation – the process where you become immune to an infectious disease. Kugonywa . Lelinye ligama lokugonya noma lokugonywa. Yinqhubo lapho utivikela etifweni letitsatselanako
Interaction How medicines mix Some medicines have effects on each other, or may make it difficult or easier for other medicines to work. This can cause side effects or can make a medicine work better. Always tell a doctor what medicine you are using when they need to give you more medicine. Imitsi ihlangana kanjani . Leminye imitsi inemiphumela lehlukahlukene, leminye ingenta kutsi kubelukhuni kutsi imitsi leminye isebente, kepha leminye ingenta kutsi umutsi lohlukene asebente kancono. Kumele kutsi umatise dokotela ngemitsi loyisebentisako mangabe kumele akunike leminye imitsi lengetekile
Jab Jab A word that describes getting a vaccine dose. I-Jab . Ligama lelichaza kutfole umjovo wekugonya
Laboratory undefined A place equipped for experimental study in a science or for testing and analysis a research. undefined . Yindzawo lehlonyelwe lucwaningo labososayensi noma kuhlola nokuhlatiya lucwaningo
Lockdown Lockdown A government regulation to limits people's movements and makes certain health behaviours compulsory. Kuvalwa kwelive . Umtsetfo labekwa nguhulumende wokukhawula kuhamba kwebantfu abuya ente lushintsho kulwetimphilo wekuphephisa bantfu
Mandatory Compulsory Required by a law or rule: obligatory/compulsory. Lokuphoqekile . Kudzingeka kwemtsetfo noma ngokwemtsetfo: Kusibopho, Kuyimphoqo
Microscopic Very small Something so small that you cannot see it with the naked eye – something you can only see through a microscope. Bacteria and viruses are microscopic, for example. Lokuncane kakhulu . Lokutsite lokuncane lokungabonakali ngelihlo lenyama - Yintfo longayibona kuphela ngetibonakhulu. Emagciwane mancane kakhulu ngesibonelo
Mimic Copy To copy / look-like / imitate something. Khopi . Kukopa/ kubukeka/ kulingisa lokutsite
mRNA mRNA Messenger-RNA are small chemicals that send messages to your cells to tell them about how a new virus that has not attacked the body yet will look. It is used in vaccines to create immune system memory. i-mRNA . I Messenger-RNA ngemakhemikhali lamancane latfumela imilayeto emaselini wakho ewatshela kutsi emagciwane lamasha langakawuhlaseli umtimba atawubonakala njani. Iyasebentiswa emgonyeni kutsi yakhe emasotsha emtimba lanekhumbulo.
Mucus Mucus A slime found in the body. Emafinyela . Emafinyela latfolakala emtimbeni
Myths Myths A widely held but false belief or idea. There are many myths – otherwise known as fake news or fictions – about Covid-19 and vaccines. Tinganekwane . Kunemibono noma tinkolelo letingasilo liciniso letikhulunywa nge COVID-19 nemitsi yekugonya
Non-pharmaceutical interventions health behaviours Things that every person can do to prevent a disease that does not involve taking medicine. Kutiphatsa kwetempilo . Tintfo letingentiwa ngumuntfu ngamunye tekutivikela emagciwaneni letifaka kungatsatsi umutsi
Nurse Nurse A health worker that is the first and most regular person to give you care at a medical facility. Umhlengikati . Umsebenti wetempilo longumuntfu wekucala lovame kukunakelela etindzaweni temtfola mpilo
Nursing Nursing A job where people care for the medical needs of people in clinics and hospitals. Buhlengikati . Umsebenti lapho khona bantfu banakelela tidzingo tebantfu emtfolampilo noma etibhedlela
Open spaces Open spaces Places that are outdoors and have a lot of fresh air Tikhala letivulekile . Tindzawo letingaphandle letinemoya lomuningi letihlantekile
Pandemic Pandemic A pandemic is an when a disease spreads across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a large number of people. Bhubhane . Bhubhane kuba lapho khona sifo sesisakateka endzaweni lenkhulu ngesibonelo lapho khona sifo sesihamba emaveni laminingi sigcine sigcwele umhlaba jikelele sitsintse linani lebatfu labiningi
PCR test Covid test A test that uses a sample from the back of your nose and mouth to know if there is COVID-19 virus in your body. The test can be done in a clinic, hospital, laboratory or even in your car. Sivivinyo se Covid . Sivivinyo lesisebentisa lisampula emuvakwemphumulo nemlomo wakho kutowati kutsi ligciwane le COVID-19 likhona emtimbeni wakho. Kuhlolwa kungentiwa emtfolamilo, esibhedlela elabhoretori noma emotweni yakho
Peer review Independently tested The process where scientists who were not involved with the trial – or who are independent experts – check test results for a scientific study is called peer review. This is a way of making sure that the results of an experiment/trial/study are accurate. Ihlolwe ngokutimela . Yinqhubo la bososayensi labebangekho kulesivivinyo noma labatimele labanelikhono- bahlola imphumelelo yokuhlolwa lebitwa nge peer review. Lena yindlela yokuqiniseka kutsi imiphumela yelucwaningo inembe khona.
Placebo Placebo Substance or treatment that has no effect on human beings. I-Placebo . Intfo noma kwelashwa lokunganamvuzo ebantfwini
Population immunity Population immunity Also known as herd immunity’, population immunity is when at least 70% of a community have antibodies that help them fight a new virus like COVID-19. This can happen through many people being infected with the virus or through many people getting a vaccine. Kuvikelwa kwebantfu . Lena iphindze yatiwe nge "herd immunity" kutivikela kwebantfu ngulana 70% webantfu basemphakatsini sebanemasotsha emtimba labasita balwe nesifo lesisha lesfiana ne COVID-19. Loku kungentiwa kutsi bantfu labaningi bangenwe nguleligciwane noma bagonye.
PPE PPE Personal protective equipment (PPE), is equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause injuries and illnesses. Masks are part of PPE. PPE . Tintfo tekutivikela (PPE), mishini legcokwa kunciphisa tintfo letiyingoti nekugula tsiteni. Emamaski ayinxenyi yema (PPE)
Public health Public Health Public health is the process of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities. Impilo yomphakatsi . Impilo yemphakatsi yinqhubo yokuvikela nekwenta ncono timpilo tebantfu nemiphakatsi
Public spaces Public spaces Any public place where people who are not from home can gather. Tikhala temphakatsi . Noma nguyiphi indzawo lapho bantfu bangekho endlini /ekhaya bangahlangana khona
Quarantine Quarantine When a person who is or could be infected with a virus needs to stop being with other people so that they do not spread the virus. Kutivalela . Lapho khona umuntfu lonaleligciwane noma longase abe nalo adzinga kungahlali nalabanye bantfu angatobatselela bese kusakateka lesifo
Register Register The process using your phone or computer to give your details so that you can get the vaccine. Bhalisa . Yinqhubo yokusebentisa licingo noma I khomputa yokunikelela imininingwane yakho kuze utfole umjovo wekugonya
Replicate undefined When a virus is spreading in your body, it is making more copies of the virus. undefined . Lapho khona ligciwane lisakateka emtimbeni wakho, lenta emakhopi lamaningi aleligciwane
Review Review The process of checking if a vaccine is safe before it gets approved by government. Evidence from more than one phase of a clinical trial can be reviewed at the same time while the experiment continues. Buketa . Inqhubo yokuhlola kutsi imigonyo iphephile ingakavunyelwa kutsi ingasebenta nguhhulumeni.Bufakazi lobuphuma etigabeni letiningi setitfolampilo. Lucwaningo lungahlolwa liphindze lisebente ngesikhatsi sinye
Saline Salt water A solution of salt in water. Emanti weliswayi Emanti weliswayi
Sanitize Sanitise To clean you hands with an alcohol based substance. Kugeza . Kugeza tandla ngentfo lenetshwala
SARS COV-2 COVID-19 Covid-19, also known as the Corona Virus or SARS-CoV-2, is a mild to severe illness attacks parts of the body that help people breath. It spreads through droplets in the air or from touching people or thing that have the droplets that have the virus in it. COVID-19 ICOVID-19 leyatiwa kutsi yi Corona virus noma i SARS-CoV-2, sifo lesincane lesihlasela titfo temtimba letisita bantfu kutsi baphefumule. itfolakala ematfonsini emoyeni noma kutsintsa bantfu noma tintfo letinalama tfonsi lanaleligciwane.
Screening Screening Screening is questions asked to determine a person’s risk of infection for a particular disease. Kuhlola . Kuhlolwa, kubuta imibuto letawutfola kutsi umuntfu usengotini lengakanani yekutfola sifo lestsite
Self-Isolation Self-isolation Is a way to keep yourself from possibly infecting others if you think you might be infected. It involves limiting contact with public places, relatives, friends, colleagues, and public transport. Kutihlukanisa . Yindlela yokutigcina ungatseleli labanye bantfu mangabe ucabanga kutsi ungabanaso lesifo. Ihambelana nekungahambi estfubeni, ungahloli tihlobo nebangani, nebasebenti losebenta nabo nekusebentisa titfutsi temphakatsi
Social distancing Social distancing The practice of maintaining a greater than usual physical distance (such as 1.5 meters or more) from other people. I-social distancing . Ngumkhuba wekugcina libanga lemtimba lelikhulu ( lelifana nekuma sighaba lesingemametha langu 1.5 noma langetulu kwaloko) kulabanye bantfu
Soreness Soreness Pain in your muscles and joints. Tinhlungu . Kuva buhlungu emsipheni nasematsanjeni
Spike Protein Spike protein The COVID-19 virus looks like it was many small stick on it. These sticks have bad protein that help COVID-19 to enter the body and attach to parts of the body that have good protein that it starts to attack. Spike semaprotein . Leligciwane le COVID-19 libukeka ngatsi lutsi lelincane lelinetinshwana kulo. lamatsi lanemaprothein lamabi asita iCOVID-19 kutsi ingene emtimbeni iphindze itinamatsele etitfweni temtimba bese ihlasela lama prothein lalungile
Susceptible Vulnerable When a person can get sick quickly or because of pre-exiting diseases could get very sick. Labasengotini . Lapho khona umuntfu angagula ngekushesha noma kubangwe tifo labekanato kucala letingabanga kutsi agule kakhulu
Symptoms Symptoms Physical or mental signs of an illness. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, and tiredness. Other symptoms that are less common and may affect some patients include loss of taste or smell, aches and pains, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, red eyes, diarrhoea, or a skin rash. T impawu . Timpawu temtimba noma tenhloko tekuphatseka. Timpawu letijwayelekile te COVID-19 kukhwehlela lokomile, umkhuhlane, nekudzinwa. Letinye timpawu letingakavami, kulahlekelwa kwekunambitsa, noma kweliphunga, buhlungu bemtimba, kuphatswa yinhloko, kushisa kwemphimbo, emehlo labomvu, kusheka, noma sikhumba lesihhashukako
Technology Technology New tools or processes. Bucwephesha . Emathulusi lamasha noma tinqhubo
Tight Chest Tight Chest When a person's chest hurts and they feel like breathing is difficult. Sifuba lesicinile . Lapho khona sifuba semuntfu sibuhlungu eva ngatsi kumatima kuphefumula
Tiredness Tiredness Feeling tire more than usual Kudzinwa . Kuva kudzinwa kakhulu kunalokujwayelekile
Transmission Transmission Is the passing/spreading of a disease from an infected individual or group to a previously uninfected individual or group. Kusakateka . Kudluliswa/kusakateka kwesifo kusuka emuntfwini loneligciwane atselele umuntfu noma licembu belingawo lomkhuhlane
Transmit Pass on Cause (something) to pass on from one person or place to another. E.g.: COVID-19. Kundluliswa . Yenta (lokutsite) kundlulisa intfo emuntfwini kuya kulomunye umuntfu noma indzawo . Sibonelo yi COVID-19
Trial Test A test or experiment, usually conducted under specific condition. Kuhlolwa . Kuhlolwa lokuvame kwentiwa esimweni lesitsite
Vaccine Vaccine A medicine that is injected into the body to help the body learn how to fight a new virus. It helps the immune system build memory so if the virus enters the body, the body is ready to fight. Umutsi wekugonya . Umutsi lojoviwa emtimbeni kulekelela umtimba kutsi ulwe nemagciwane lamasha. Isita emasotsha emtimba kutsi akhe inkhumbulo kwentele kutsi mangabe kungena ligciwane lelisha umtimba akhone kutilwela.
Vaccine hesitancy Vaccine hesitancy When people delay taking the vaccine because they do not know if it works or are afraid of the side-effects. Kungabata umgonyo . Lapho khona bantfu baphuta kutsatsa lemigonyo noma bengati kutsi iyasebenta noma besaba timphumela letingasikahle
Variant Variant A form or version of something that differs in some respect from other forms of the same thing; a new or mutated version of a virus. A variant of Covid-19 that has been identified in South Africa is called 501Y.V2 Lokuhlukile . Yifom noma inguquko yentfo letsite kuletinyo tintfo letifanako. kugucuka lokusha kweligciwane le COVID-19 lebayitfole Eningizimu Aflika ibitwa nge 501Y.V2
Ventilation Ventilation The provision of fresh air to a room, building or building. A space with good airflow is well ventilated. Kuphefumula Kuniketwa umoya lohlantekile ekamelweni noma esakhiweni. Sikhala lesinekuhamba umoya lomuhle singenisa umoya lohlantekile
Viral vector vaccine Viral vector vaccine A weak and changed form of a virus is used in a vaccine to go into our bodies tell the body how the real virus looks and what it does. This helps the body fight when the virus attack the body. Umutsi wekugonyela I-virus . Luhlobo leligciwane lelibutsakatsaka lelishintshile lelisetshentiswa emtimbeni kutsi latise umtimba kutsi leligciwane sibili litobanjani. Loku kusita umtimba kutsi ulwe naleligciwane malihlasela umtimba
Virus Virus A virus is an infectious organism of small size and simple composition that can multiply only in living cells of animals, humans, plants, or bacteria. Ligciwane . Ligciwane lisidalwa lesitsatselanaso lesincane lesakhiwe kalula lesingatiphindza emaselini laphilako wetilwane, bantfu ,titselo, noma emagciwaneni
Virus Mutations Virus changes Changes to the structure of a virus which can changes to how it affects the body. All viruses change over time, either because of changes to the environment or because when the virus is spreading there may be mistakes or changes how it copies itself. Lishintsho lemagciwane . Tinguquko ekhwakhiweni kwemagciwane kutsi awutsintsa kanjani umtimba. Wonkhe emagciwane ayashintsha ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi, kungabangwa kuguquka emvelweni noma lingenta emaphutsa maliti phindza phindza
Vulnerable Vulnerable A person in need of special care, support, or protection because of age, disability, or risk of abuse or neglect. Labasengotini Umuntfu lodzingwa kunakekelwa lokukhetsekile,kwesekwa, noma kuvikelwa ngenxa yeminyaka kukhubateka, noma uyahlukunyetwa, akanakwa
Wave Wave A wave happens when the number of people infected by COVID-19 increases very fast and the number of people in hospitals of dying is very high. Ligagasi . Ligagasi lenteka mangabe kunebantfu labaningi labaphatswa ligciwane le COVID-19 ngekuphazama kwelihlo nelinani lwebantfu labashona etibhedlela linyuke kakhulu